
[Before contacting us]

Thank you for using our website.
Regarding inquiries regarding "order-related emails not arriving properly."
We will automatically or manually send you an email when your order is completed and when your order is shipped. If you do not receive an email, please check the following items and contact us.

○ If you are using a mobile carrier email address

All order-related emails sent by our company are sent automatically from the system, so if you are using carrier email such as docomo, au, or softbank, there are many cases where the email itself cannot be received due to spam mail prevention functions.
Even if you have not set it up yourself, it may have been set automatically when you signed up for your mobile phone contract. Please make sure that you have set it to "allow" receiving emails from your computer, or that you can receive emails from our email address, "", before contacting us.

If you are using a free email address or iCloud email address

Please check your spam or deleted items folders to see if the email has arrived there.

  • Please use this inquiry form to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, not just about purchasing a product, but also about how to handle the product you have in stock, or any other questions or concerns you may have.
  • For product inquiries, please include the product name, color, etc. in order for us to respond promptly.

  • Reception/service hours: 12 am-6pm
    (Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays, public holidays, New Year's holidays, and summer holidays)